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Should You Stay Clear of CBD Edibles That Contain Either Aspartame or Sucralose?

When we choose our CBD gummies, we’re taking a lot of things into account. We’re making sure that the brand has a reputation f or producing high-quality hemp goods. We’re making sure that the milligram strength is right for our needs. And, we’re seeking out a tasty flavor that’s made with the best ingredients that money can buy.

So, what happens when you come across a CBD edible that has all of the right factors in terms of your needs, but it’s sweetened with either aspartame or sucralose? Both of these artificial sweeteners have gotten quite a bad rap over the years, so why would CBD companies use them, anyway?

Well, allow us to take a deeper look into both of these substances, and what they mean to fans of CBD gummies. The truth might be surprising.

What are Aspartame and Sucralose and How Do They Differ from Each Other?

First, let’s talk about what they share in common. They are both artificial sweeteners, meaning that they are synthetic in origin, and they are found in a lot of food products, especially ones that are labeled as sugar-free. You can even purchase aspartame and sucralose by the container in order to use it when cooking and baking.

Now, for a bit of quick history on each.

Aspartame History

Aspartame was first conceived in 1965, and in 1981, it was approved by the FDA as a safe food additive. In the 1990s, the sugar-free diet became a massive trend, and that’s when aspartame really took off.

Sucralose History

Sucralose came about in 1976, and it was approved by the FDA in 1999, which is when it suddenly became massively popular among those on sugar-free diets. Aspartame and sucralose are really only different from each other in terms of chemical structure, and the taste is only slightly different.

What are These Synthetic Additives Doing in Your Bag of Hemp Gummies?

Well, a lot of people who want to try CBD have to watch their sugar intake due to any number of health issues. And so, by making sugar-free gummies, those people can have just as much access to an edible method for consuming CBD as the rest of us. If you’re someone who consumes many CBD gummies each day, you’d likely want to avoid consuming too much sugar as well.

Are These Sweeteners Bad for You?

When both sucralose and aspartame peaked in terms of their success in the 90s to early 2000s, lots of negative reports started coming out about them, stating that they cause everything from migraines to cancer. Now, these reports scared off a good number of consumers, and so many still believe that they are extremely dangerous to consume. However, that’s not necessarily the case at all.

When they both came out, people were consuming incredibly high amounts of them, because let’s face it – we all have a sweet tooth and being able to satisfy it without consuming real sugar sounds too good to be true. Well, like most things, aspartame and sucralose should only be consumed in moderation. Even consuming too much cheese each day can result in unpleasant side effects.

If you’re taking a standard dose of a CBD edible daily that contains either of these sweeteners, you’re already consuming it in moderation. Further, both of these sweeteners haven’t just been deemed safe by the FDA, but they’ve since been tested many times by researchers for potential negative side effects and continue to be deemed safe to consume in moderation.

Now, bear in mind that with CBD edibles, we have options. Some people are intolerant to these ingredients, like people can be intolerant to basically any ingredient. So, if you don’t want to consume sucralose or aspartame, simply seek out a CBD edible made with an alternative sweetener.

Final CBD Gummy Thoughts When It Comes to These Additives

If you’re seeking out quality CBD gummies, you don’t necessarily need to avoid ones that are made with sucralose or aspartame unless you happen to have a negative reaction to these substances. In most cases, they are deemed safe to consume in moderation, and do not cause the widespread side effects that a lot of people think they do for the majority of consumers.

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