CBD Info
Browse CBD info below on this page for a list of common CBD questions asked by visitors and patients.
CBD Questions
What does CBD stand for?
The CBD acronym stands for Cannabidiol (C21H30O2), which is one of the most common chemical compounds in cannabis plants. It is one of 100+ cannabinoids found in the plants. Cannabis plants are often associated with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but CBD is the nonpsychoactive part that is used for health and wellness applications.
What does CBD help with?
This is restricted territory the FDA doesn't allow CBD manufacturers to make medical benefit claims about CBD hemp oil products. We can't make claims about our CBD products but you can browse 1,000's of reputable CBD case studies, preclinical trials, and research published online. Also, see what others are saying in reviews online. Big pharma still has a grip on FDA. Israel, Denmark and Switzerland have been using Hemp for healing for many years. We offer many books for sale in our store that are very good to read for this information.
Is CBD oil legal in Missouri?
CBD products and CBD oil are legal in Missouri and available for purchase in stores or online from official Missouri retailers. THC concentration must be less than 0.3% . When you shop look for 1) CBD concentration in products 2) organic and non-GMO products 3) products with 3rd party lab testing verification 4) American grown products. Our CBD oil products are committed to those 4 qualifiers.
Read what others are experiencing
Does CBD get you high?
Hemp CBD oil won’t get you high because hemp has a low amount of naturally occurring THC, which is what gets you high. Instead, the oil maximizes CBD concentration which actually reduces your ability to get high. CBD oil is non-psychoactive, so it doesn't negatively impact sensory awareness, consciousness, perception, or behavior. However, taking CBD oil products consistently with 0.3% THC can test positive on drug tests.
Difference between CBD and THC
Our products are completely focused on the extraction and high concentration of CBD and active phytocannabinoids. THC is psychoactive, while CBD is not. THC directly engages the cannabinoid receptor through the orthosteric site. CBD regulates that interaction by connecting to a separate receptor location. Simply put, CBD is holistic relaxation without intoxication.
Is CBD addictive?
This is the most common of the CBD questions. The World Health Organization recently stated CBD shows no tendency to create abuse or dependence addiction. CBD consumption is not the same as medical marijuana usage. Because of an absence of the psychoactive effect in CBD it does not create addiction in users.
Browse Legal CBD Products

All Extract Naturals CBD is derived solely from hemp

If you have other CBD questions call our staff during business hours.
Hemp vs Marijuana